Insights March 2024
It is time to examine our beliefs and ethical consciousness. I am not a fan of spiritual bypassing (“I’ll just meditate for a better world”/”metta for all”/”peace and love internally first.”) I am an engaged Buddhist (Buddhists who seek to apply Buddhist ethics, insights acquired from meditation practice, and the teachings of the Buddhist dharma to contemporary situations of social, political, environmental, and economic suffering, and injustice.) *
“There is suffering. There is work to be done. May we be the ones to do it.” Buddhistdoor Global
“… engaged practice carries the medicine.” Deborah Eden Tull
“And peace without justice is no peace at all.” MIRA SUCHAROV
"Firstly, we must begin to actively confront and then talk about the injustices created by the system that we inhabit. As the philosopher Hannah Arendt said, "We humanize what is going on in the world and in ourselves by speaking of it, and in the course of speaking of it we learn to be human." To remain silent is not an option, for to do so is to lose something of our humanity by acceding to the status quo and becoming complicit in the iniquities of the system—we are all ethically responsible even by our omissions. The path of the dharma is above all about becoming human by engaging in a conversation, talking about what it might mean to “wake up,” and then enacting the fruits of that deliberation. We “wake up” not just individually but collectively by exploring an imaginative vision of the form our societies might take. But we also must see clearly how the present structures fail us both individually and collectively—we are “crying,” and “crying out for,” a new vision of what it may mean to live ethically and collectively." John Peacock @tricyclemag Read my prior IG posts. I am choosing engaged Buddhism over spiritual bypassing.
“I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and l'd choose you.” Kiersten White
“One should not underestimate the power of ideas and those who put them into action! By transforming our own mind and our worldview, little by little, we can actively contribute to changing our priorities and transforming our cultures. Many major changes that have occurred in societies seemed improbable at first glance. "Satyagraha," the principle that inspired Gandhi's nonviolent resistance, means "the force of truth." It is the force that acts and moves mountains.” Matthieu Ricard
“Just because some people are not onboard doesn’t mean you stop your journey. Forge ahead with your resiliency.” The Insight Center
“all along i have searched for
knowledge when what i was
really looking for was wisdom
not the information that fills
my mind with details and facts
but the experiences that fill
my being with freedom,
healing, and the light of insight”
yung pueblo
“Do not walk across hot coals - or eggshells.” The Insight Center
“The time has to be right; one has to be, by chance or intention, upon the border of two worlds. And sometimes these two borders may shift or interpenetrate and one sees the miraculous.” Loren Eiseley
“I am challenged to learn I can’t control things - and I need to let that be ok.” Tom Jacobs
“Assume that what is in your highest good is what is happening.” Tom Jacobs
“Difficult painful experiences are not punishment. You are being ushered into a learning space or learning module so your soul learns another facet or layer of being human.” Tom Jacobs
“Pain and difficulty and loss and things blowing up in your face and slipping through your fingers is part of life.” Tom Jacobs
“You are not being punished because things have been hard or you have gone through losses. And you are not weak because you feel grief and sorrow.” Tom Jacobs
“We need to go through difficult things to become stronger.” Tom Jacobs
“How can we claim faith in the process of life?” Tom Jacobs
“We sometimes need to go through difficult things to become stronger.” Tom Jacobs
“How can I claim faith - figure out how to have faith in what serves my highest good - which may be painful half the time - and sometimes needs to be?” Tom Jacobs
“How can I have the courage to feel faith in life - even when life sucks - especially when life sucks?” Tom Jacobs
“We surrender to our highest good and sometimes it is painful - how can you have the courage to go with the flow and have it be ok.” Tom Jacobs
Have the courage to overcome self -judgment because you can’t control everything.” Tom Jacobs
“That thing that really was hard is now truth for me.” Tom Jacobs
“Just because some people are not onboard doesn’t mean you stop your journey. Forge ahead with your resiliency.” The Insight Center
“What if your journey feels solo? It is meant to be solo for now.” The Insight Center
The following quote by Nick Cave came from the Marginalian - a great Newsletter.
“The world… is indeed a strange and deeply mysterious place, forever changing and remaking itself anew. But this is not a novel condition, our world hasn’t only recently become bizarre and temporary, it has been so ever since its inception, and it will continue to be such until its end — mystifying and forever in a state of flux.” Nick Cave
“…his two pillars of a fulfilling life — orientations of the soul that “have a softening effect on our sometimes inflexible and isolating value systems”:
“The first is humility. Humility amounts to an understanding that the world is not divided into good and bad people, but rather it is made up of all manner of individuals, each broken in their own way, each caught up in the common human struggle and each having the capacity to do both terrible and beautiful things. If we truly comprehend and acknowledge that we are all imperfect creatures, we find that we become more tolerant and accepting of others’ shortcomings and the world appears less dissonant, less isolating, less threatening.
The other quality is curiosity. If we look with curiosity at people who do not share our values, they become interesting rather than threatening. As I’ve grown older I’ve learnt that the world and the people in it are surprisingly interesting, and that the more you look and listen, the more interesting they become. Cultivating a questioning mind, of which conversation is the chief instrument, enriches our relationship with the world. Having a conversation with someone I may disagree with is, I have come to find, a great, life embracing pleasure.” Nick Cave
That is what Nick Cave addresses in answering a fan’s lament about the devastating feeling of existential helplessness and impotence: “The everyday human gesture is always a heartbeat away from the miraculous — [remember] that ultimately we make things happen through our actions, way beyond our understanding or intention; that our seemingly small ordinary human acts have untold consequences; that what we do in this world means something; that we are not nothing; and that our most quotidian human actions by their nature burst the seams of our intent and spill meaningfully and radically through time and space, changing everything… Our deeds, no matter how insignificant they may feel, are replete with meaning, and of vast consequence, and… they constantly impact upon the unfolding story of the world, whether we know it or not. Nick Cave
“Rather than feel impotent and useless, you must come to terms with the fact that as a human being you are infinitely powerful, and take responsibility for this tremendous power. Even our smallest actions have potential for great change, positively or negatively, and the way in which we all conduct ourselves within the world means something. You are anything but impotent, you are, in fact, exquisitely and frighteningly dynamic, as are we all, and with all respect you have an obligation to stand up and take responsibility for that potential. It is your most ordinary and urgent duty.” Nick Cave
“Love is like the ocean,
Life affirming,
“I remain cautiously optimistic. I think if we can move beyond the anxiety and dread and despair, there is a promise of something shifting not just culturally, but spiritually, too. I feel that potential in the air, or maybe a sort of subterranean undertow of concern and connectivity, a radical and collective move towards a more empathetic and enhanced existence… It does seem possible — even against the criminal incompetence of our governments, the planet’s ailing health, the divisiveness that exists everywhere, the shocking lack of mercy and forgiveness, where so many people seem to harbour such an irreparable animosity towards the world and each other — even still, I have hope. Collective grief can bring extraordinary change, a kind of conversion of the spirit, and with it a great opportunity. We can seize this opportunity, or we can squander it and let it pass us by. I hope it is the former. I feel there is a readiness for that, despite what we are led to believe.” Nick Cave
“The inward movement can be summarized as follows: we observe ourselves, we accept what we find without judgment, we let it go, and the actual release causes our transformation.
We are already always changing, but when we focus on healing, we can change in the direction of our choosing; these are moments when we intentionally reclaim our power. Every moment we take to know ourselves, we return as someone new.
Whatever calms and concentrates the mind causes the purifying release of old burdens that weigh us down. One can be successful with simple inward observation, but when we observe ourselves through proven healing techniques including different forms of meditation, therapy, among many other things, we accelerate the process of change.
Different techniques reach different levels of the mind. Ultimately, any practice that you feel is challenging, but not overwhelming, and is giving you real results is the right one for you at the moment. As we progress we may take on sharper tools for deeper healing. Anything that can heal the subconscious of our mind and create space for love is powerful enough to completely change our lives.
When things get tough, remember that we are not building something small, we are building a palace of peace within our own hearts and it takes determination and effort to complete something of such beauty and magnitude.” Yung pueblo
“One of the most important factors in happiness is the level of control we have over the direction of our lives. Participating in activities that align with our individual desires and needs, as opposed to conforming to external expectations, instills in us a heightened sense of ownership and direction, resulting in a happier existence.” Haemin Sunim
“The best way to be different is to make a difference.” SEP @septhebrand
“Enlightenment is an inner light of understanding that arises from within.” Andrew Olendski
“Your truth will resonate deeply.” The Insight Center
“Something i have noticed with my clients the past several years. At some point in our conversation, they speak their truth. “What I really want to do is paint.” “I know this is not right for me.” “He isn’t a great person.” “I really feel compelled to leave.” And they don’t hear themselves say it! I write it down and I draw a box around it and I show it to them, and they seem surprised. It’s a pivotal moment of them seeing and acknowledging their truth. We all have different reasons why this process of clarity can be hard. It is all about awakening. It is about moment by moment seeing our truth and the. Moment by moment letting go of what is not the truth and eventually we align with the truth. So, pay attention! Pay attention to your own journey of truth and do not be afraid.” The Insight Center
“Grief is one of the heart's natural responses to loss. It takes courage to grieve, to honor the pain we carry. We come face to face with our genuine human vulnerability, with helplessness and hopelessness. These are the storm clouds of the heart.
We need to respect our tears. Without a wise way to grieve, we can only soldier on, armored and unfeeling. Let whatever feelings are there, pain and tears, anger and love, fear, and sorrow, come as they will.
The grief we carry is part of the grief of the world. Hold it gently. Let it be honored. Keep in mind that grief doesn't just dissolve. Instead it arises in waves and gradually, with growing compassion, there comes more space around it.” Jack Kornfield
“The truth is, you are alone in your grief.
You alone carry the knowledge of how your grief lives in you.
You alone know all the filaments of life and love that fly through you.
You alone know how deeply your life is now changed.
You alone have to face this, inside your own heart.” Megan Devine
March 25 - FULL MOON ECLIPSE @5˚ Libra
“Use your powerful Pluto natal and transit energy to transform your karmic journey.” The Insight Center
Pluto moves into Aquarius:
The following quotes are from Steven Forest about this dramatic change happening now (what is important for you is to know where this is happening in your chart – look for 1˚ Pluto in transit.)
“Aquarius is the sign of paradigm shifts. It's about genius breakthroughs. Aquarian times are about getting out of bed one morning and everything in your life looks different, as if you've somehow awakened or grown up.” Steven Forrest
“If 10% of humanity awakens to a new way of thinking, the rest follow along in a generation or two.” Steven Forrest
“….Paradigm-shattering realities of Pluto in Aquarius..” Steven Forrest
“It is critical to reiterate that it will mean an expansion of consciousness, not just practical rearrangements of the power structures, although there will be plenty of that too. Get it right, and the world will look fundamentally different to you.
Nobody today is ‘going to win.’ Everybody is wrong. The ones who will create the human future will be humble enough to admit that - and to be blown away by what's now forming in their minds.” Steven Forrest
“A force that lies just beyond the current state of human imagination is hard at work at saving us.” Steven Forrest
Here are my takeaways from the Aquarian era so far:
“Expect the unexpected
Knowledge is power and power will be completely redefined
Pay attention to one paradigm shift at a time (and there will be a lot.)”
The Insight Center 2.15.24
“Do you know your progressed chart? Your progressed sun, moon, and phase? This information in invaluable. I think about it every day and deeply feel it’s truth.” The Insight Center
“The astrology deck helps you learn astrology so you can read, understand, and live your chart. The astrology journal helps you live your path with deeper awareness of your astrology chart.” The Insight Center
Vipassana Meditation:
Buddha’s experience of enlightenment: “ignorance was banished, and knowledge arose; darkness was banished, and light arose.”
“Triggers from past traumas can morph into triggers and anxieties for other things - i call this trauma drift. Know and heal your original trauma/s and you will have less trauma drift. Also know that trauma drift is trauma drift a d it will have less impact.” The Insight Center
“Dear empaths: stop over explaining to non-empaths!” The Insight Center
* “Several months ago now, Buddhist Peace Fellowship quietly signed the Apartheid Free Communities pledge. In doing so, we joined over a hundred faith-based and solidarity organizations working together to end all support to Israel’s apartheid regime and military occupation.
Which is to say – our support for a free Palestine did not come as a response to the current crisis. It came as an acknowledgement that the conditions leading up to the current crisis were already violent and unsustainable.
“There is no excuse for terrorism. We mourn horrific deaths and kidnappings of Israeli civilians at the hands of Hamas. And we see that Israel’s decades-long oppression of the Palestinian people did not make it safer. Oppression will never lead to justice. War will never lead to peace.”
“True peace is what we long to see – for this and future generations.
We also believe that in moments like these, where an urgent response is of the utmost importance, the most harmful thing to say is nothing at all.
So, with our imperfect analysis, with love in our hearts, and with our growing edges showing…
· We say NO to a US-funded war of annihilation on Palestinians.
· NO to governments engaging in terrorism and warfare targeting civilians.
· NO to conflating anti-zionism with antisemitism.
· And NO to using tragedy as an excuse to expand Israel’s settler-colonial hold on Gaza.
We thank you for all you are already doing to demand a ceasefire – calling congress, showing up at rallies, talking to your people.”
Yours in love and struggle,
Kate Johnson
Co-Director, Programs and Partnerships
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
How Black Lives Matter Changed the American Conversation About Israel and Palestine (Slate) Palestine ( The Question of Palestine (United Nations) How can we make it right? What the world’s religions have to say about justice (Vox) A Buddhist Response to The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Thanissara Dharma)
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Doing Something Frightening Is This Buddhism? The Oneness of Spiritual Liberation and Social Justice Buddhistdoor View: Beyond Boundaries, Beyond Fear – Responding to a Rise in Hate Doing Conflict Better Buddhistdoor View: Palestine and Israel