Insights for July 2024

Insights to Awaken

“You can align with the portals of your journey.” The Insight Center


“You’re scared to make a decision

You’re scared to make a decision

You’re scared to make a decision

You’re scared to make a decision

You’re scared to make a decision

You trust your truth and make a decision

You feel freeYou feel freeYou feel freeYou feel freeYou feel You feel freeYou feel freeYou feel freeYou

feel freeYou feel You feel freeYou

feel freeYou feel freeYou feel free” The Insight Center


“Wisdom softens the journey.” The Insight Center


“Everyone is at a different place of the evolution of consciousness. It doesn’t matter. Don’t compare. It is not a contest. Return your awareness to your experience, truth, and journey. It is all the is relevant to you.” The Insight Center


“When the awakening is very deep, we no longer operate from a place of personal self. In other words, everything doesn’t relate to “me.” Thoughts don’t relate to me; feelings don’t relate to me; what other’s do doesn’t relate to me; and what happens in the world doesn’t relate to me. In the egoic state of consciousness, literally every single thing that ever happens is happening to me. Right? That’s the normal state of consciousness.” Adyashanti


“I am confident that you know what you know.

Sometimes we just need help walking through the veils.” The Insight Center


“Of course, it’s a big step to learn to say “No.” It’s also a big step to pause and not respond until you feel like it.” The Insight Center


“How willing are you to trust (not deny) your truth?” The Insight Center


“It’s strange to feel change coming. It’s easy to ignore. An underlying restlessness seems to accompany it like birds flocking before a storm. We go about our business with the usual alacrity, while in the pit of our stomach there is a sense of something tenuous. These moments of peripheral perceptions are short, sharp flashes of insight we tend to discount like seeing the movement of an animal from the corner of our eye. We turn and there is nothing there. They are the strong and subtle impressions we allow to slip away.” Terry Tempest Williams, via The Marginalian.


“Denial stops us from listening… But denial lies. It protects us from the potency of a truth we cannot yet bear to accept. It takes our hands and leads us to places of comfort. Denial flourishes in the familiar. It seduces us with our own desires and cleverly constructs walls around us to keep us safe.” Terry Tempest Williams, via The Marginalian.


“When you let go big, you feel it big.

First, the void.

Then the freedom.

Always the freedom.” The Insight Center


“Listen to your inner voice more than your outer voice. Your inner voice carries your intuition and truth. Your outer voice is responding to the outer world via your ego.”  Adyashanti


“Awaken to what you know and trust what you believe.” The Insight Center


“It is what it is. Always.” The Insight Center


“When you know, you know.

And then no matter what

else is happening, you

can say, ‘No.’ (Or ‘Yes.’)  The Insight Center


“I like/need/choose energetic harmony.

Not everyone does.

I have Moon in Libra and that is a big part of it for me.

And finding/knowing/living with harmony takes time.

We need time to process.

Give yourself time to process.

And if you like/need/choose energetic harmony,

Processing will take more time.” The Insight Center


Astrology Insights

“When you have a big Pluto shift in your chart, pay attention. It is going to ask a lot of you.” The Insight Center


“Saturn governs our ability to create solid structures to support our life, and Pluto inspires us from the heavens to transform our psyches and our lives for greater empowerment and personal authority.” Lynn Hayes


Saturn retrograde to November 15, 2024:

“Cranky dad energy is getting you down.” The Insight Center


Neptune retrograde to December 27, 2024:

“Your dreams and visions feel flat and stalemated” The Insight Center


Pluto is retrograde and returns to Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime September 3, 2024 to November 20, 2024:


“Know what you have come to know

Some truth

Some letting go

Some freedom

Keep it steady and keep it going.”

(If you have resisted change, this time will be challenging, so do some awakening in work in August!))

The Insight Center


“Neptune square Galactic Center – to May 2028 - will your magical cord to the center of divine energy stay activated!? Do you have the will to stay engaged to connecting with your divine magic?” The Insight Center


“Leo IC (bottom of the chart): This is me and who I am and I am where I belong.” The Insight Center


“7.16.24 Mars, the warrior planet, and Uranus, the individuation and revolutionary planet, are aligned today. Be aware of your own revolution. June 20, full moon in Capricorn - follow your genuine plan (not false.)” I knew that on the 21st, Joe Biden would get the memo (truth) in his psyche and withdraw from the presidential race.


What is your awakening? What is your rebellion? Revolution? Breaking free!? And are you doing it!?! The Insight Center 2.28.24


“The moon is conjunct Uranus.

Your activated impatient

awakening is amplified.

You’re feeling it.”  The Insight Center 2.28.24


Chiron Eris conjunction (to June 2028):

 “This near conjunction establishes a psychic hunger that collectively underscores pretty much the why of what any person incarnate does.”

 “For those wanting the dates of the exact Chiron-Eris conjunctions: On 26 May 2025 they are conjunct, both direct. On 8 Oct 2025, Chiron and Eris do the conjunction again, now both retrograde. Finally, as 19 Mar 2026rolls around, Chiron to Eris occurs again, both bodies direct. From now through March of 2025 the Chiron/Eris dynamic remains an undercurrent that tows all souls and their incarnation motivations toward personal and soulful healing.”

“What soulful healing is that? Simply, the wound of feeling excluded, shut out, dismissed, rejected, not invited, uninvited, shunned, ignored or worse, blocked. In the natal chart of every person on Earth younger than 101 years of age Eris stands in Aries. The sense of exclusion is infused within the incarnation. It is personal, prevailing and taunting. With the wounded healer Chiron joining forces with Eris goddess of discord, the time is now to anchor the soul in the physical body and quite simply to know that with every productive step taken, resistence to your inclusion in the realms you seek, yields.”

“So in the real world, discipline your psyche to perceive no direct competition. As astrologers are fond of saying, within the time range of the precession of the equinox no two charts are identical. Therefore, the mold that shaped your life is unique to you. Keep this in mind as the successes and laurels you see bestowed on others irk your ire. Seek no vengeance, direct or indirect. Pursue no revenge. Proceed with the greatest optimism and generous sharing of your abilities that you can. In fact, with the Great Attractor transits out there, perhaps sharing some of your insights serves to melt those obstacles that appear daunting.”

Philip Sedgwick


Vipassana Meditation and Buddhism

“Observe the reality as it is. As it is, not as you wish it to be. Perhaps your breath is deep. Perhaps your breath is shallow. Perhaps you breathed in through the left nostril. Perhaps you breathed in through the right nostril. It makes no difference.” S.N. Goenka 


Engaged Buddhist Insights

With pain/pain in the world:

1.          Let yourself feel the pain and heartbreak. This is harder for some of us than others. Some of us have created barriers and blockages to these feelings. Check in with this and let yourself feel. See your blockages. What is your attachment top them and how can you let them go? (Hint: vipassana mediation!)

2.          Raise your awareness to the highest levels. This takes maturity, wisdom, and a commitment to being aware. It is so hard and awful and a precious challenge to meet things as they are.

3.          Expose and express yourself. Share your grief, pain, awkwardness, questions, fear, and outrage with family, friends, colleagues, clients, and networks. Silence is complicity with the pain. 

4.          Act. Take action for change.

5.          Feel. Be aware. Let go. Share.

The Insight Center


Insights for September 2024


Insight for June 2024