Insights for March 2020


Insights for March 2020:

“You can do it like it’s a great burden on you, or you can do it like it’s part of the dance.” Ram Daas.

“Tools for dealing with intense times and big energetic shifts:

Meditation. Meditation. Meditation.

Exercise - aligned with your body.

Grounding. Send roots down.

Spend time in nature. Hug trees.

Deep breathing. A lot. And again.

Healthy eating/hydration.Music/sing/dance.

Sleep. Rest.  Nap. Be cozy.

Journaling. Any writing and art.

Camaraderie. Good vibe people.” Margaret Gervais

These are strange times and I am always contemplating how we are all effected and how I can be helpful. For the week of March 15:

I am staying apprised of the latest information on the coronavirus and want to keep you, your families and contacts, me and mine, and our community safe.If you have appointments this week for Astrology Readings or Meditation Class, I am happy to have you come to my office if you are symptom free. We will wash our hands and keep a social distance.

I am curtailing Reiki Healing Sessions in person until further notice.I

f you want to make or switch your appointment to online, I am happy to do that. Reiki, Astrology, and Meditation Classes can all be done online.  I do this all the time. For a Reiki or Intuitive Healing, you lie down in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and I do the healing session at a distance - as if you are there on the table. I call you and we both put our phones on speaker, and you participate and receive the healing in the same way as you would on the table. It works!My goal is to keep us all healthy!

Now for the insights – there are a lot because I have been busy with classes, workshops and clients and I have not sent a Newsletter for a few months – but you may have the time to read them as you work from home and/or are feeling lonely or anxious:


“You understand your own self so that you can self-generate and become your own path.” Mark Jones

"You are the wave, seemingly separate from the deep ocean, and you are the ocean - deep, sparkling, home to billions of beings, salty like tears and vast."

"...let the feeling of "don't know" open you to mystery.  Relax and enjoy the mystery, rest in the vast mystery that holds and supports you and all life.  You are the mystery seeing itself." Jack Kornfield

“When I am centered, I can walk into any vibrational field and take it and convert it. I am just feeling love, so whatever they are giving me – anger, paranoia, distrust – I am just taking it all in and converting it. I see that net they are stuck in, this mind net that is each person’s own model of the universe, so instead of climbing into it with them, putting both of us in it, my job is to say, “Yes, I see your net, but we are here.” Ram Daas

"Now and then it's good to pause in your pursuit of happiness, and just be happy." Guillaume Apollinaire

“Sometimes being on a different frequency from someone means no matter what you’re saying, that person just can’t hear you.”

“When you transform the energy of old relationships, those relationships can absolutely change to meet the new level, or they can vibrate out of your life. Trust both outcomes. Just keep aligning with your authentic self and everything else will arrange itself accordingly.” Maryam Hasnaa

“All people and all circumstances are my allies.” Lynn Jurich

As you continue to grow and change, remember to listen to yourself differently.  Margaret Gervais

“…in order to be in touch with that core of instinctual and intuitive self-knowledge that tells you which mountain to climb, you need to cultivate inner silence. …out of inner silence, a very specific kind of wisdom can spring: a sense of where you need to go in life.” Steven Forrest

“There’s an important difference between an attachment and an aspiration. An aspiration is a goal we are putting effort into, something we can work toward without making our present happiness completely dependent on its attainment. Attachments are created by cravings; they are a refusal to accept reality as it naturally appears – only wanting particular outcomes and feeling misery and serious mental tension when things come out in unwanted ways. Attachments cloud the mind and lower the creativity and energy we need to obtain our goals. Learning to work in a detached manner not only makes us more effective but it supports our inner peace and happiness.”  Yung Pueblo

“You’ll need love, joy, passion, good friends, a soft place to land, magic and the ability to recognize it. You’ll need a thick skin to weather the worst of the world and a tender heart to receive the best of it. You’ll need a sense of humor to survive your ego and your pride (and everyone else’s), curiosity to investigate your weird reactions, defenses, fears and self-sabotaging strategies. You’ll need rituals that center you, habits that hold you to your promises, dedication and determination so that challenging yourself to do what is difficult but defining day after day, week after week, month after month, year upon year becomes natural and even enjoyable.” Chani Nicholas

“Evolve so hard that they have to get to know you again.” Haus of Dimitri“It is possible to genuinely want to help all beings, to bring one’s insights and skillful means to every encounter, and to let this aspiration become a state of mind that infuses each moment, while simultaneously having limits and needed boundaries.” Pilar Jennings via Tricycle Magazine.


Each meditation session is a journey of discovery to understand the basic truth of who we are." Sogyal Rinpoche

“The insights that arise in the course of meditating are often surprises. The awakening mind lets go of the old fictions we invent and opens to what is really here: simply this.” Sylvia Forges Ryan

Meditation is a method of gaining access to the inner wisdom and compassion – and resolving our inner problems in the process.” Rob Naim

[The Buddha’s] patience is not the patience of a water buffalo who simply endures the work and punishments imposed on it. Instead, it’s the patience of a warrior who, despite wounds and setbacks, never abandons the desire to come out victorious. Thanissaro Bhikkhu, “The Karma of Now

“As irrigators make water go where they want,As archers make their arrows straight,As carpenters carve wood,The wise shape their minds.” E. Easwaren, trans., Dhammapada (Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press, 1985), v. 80.

“Meditation is our daily reminder to keep it simple.” Margaret Gervais

“Once you achieve choice-less awareness through meditation practice, you see clearly how fleeting everything is.” Joseph Goldstein

“In the practice of meditation, we use our nonjudgmental awareness to get in touch with our feelings and what’s going on in our bodies without adding our narratives or dramas to it.  We just see what comes up.

” Gary Shishin Wick“It is not about having perfect and kind thoughts all of the time, it is about not feeding the heavy and mean thoughts. Literally letting them pass without allowing them to take root and control your actions.”  Yung Pueblo“We can’t simply ‘let go.’ It doesn’t work like that. It’s certainly not what the Buddha teaches. Letting go, the Buddha tells us, will come when we ‘develop’ wisdom [through meditation practice.]” Peter Doobinin

Meditation Course:I am teaching one-on-one and small group meditation courses available online via Zoom Meetings.  Contact me if you are interested, or read more at

Healing:“Emotional processing days are just as important as productive days.” Moon Girl Psychology."Your body incarnation is born of spirit; it is a play of consciousness.""You are bigger than your wounds." Jack Kornfield

You don’t tell the energy what to do, you let the energy do the work. Margaret Gervais

“Healing costs. Time. Energy. Ego. When you are ready for a shift, put everything you’ve got on the table. Growth is the goal. Change isn’t cheap – but holding out on yourself costs more than your soul can spare.” Chani Nichols

“It is not easy, healing yourself, transforming your mind, building new habits, observing reality without projections or delusions. This is work that takes effort, but when you continue trying it creates significant results that have an immensely positive impact on your life.” Yung Pueblo

Reiki and Intuitive Healing Sessions are available online.

Reiki l Workshop:

I will be teaching a Reiki l Workshop later this spring at The Insight Center:The Workshop is over two days: Day 1, 1:00 - 4:00 and Day 2, 9:00 - 4:00. The fee for the Workshop is $475. Please let me know if you are interested so I can send you dates.This is a certified, Usui Reiki l Workshop.  You can read more about this Workshop at or feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  Also please feel free to share this with others who you feel may be interested.If you have completed a Reiki l Workshop with me, I would love to have you assist for all or part of the Workshop (you get to hang out and give and receive Reiki). Please let me know if you are interested.


“Keep in mind that grief doesn’t just dissolve. Instead it arises in waves and gradually, with growing compassion, there comes more space around it. The heart opens and in its own time, little by little, gaps of new life – breaks in the rain clouds – appear.  The body relaxes and freer breaths appear. This is a natural cycle you can trust – how the heart renews itself.” Jack Kornfield.

"In this world where everyone dies, where every song ends, where every achievement is undone, where every treasure is lost, all of us are left behind.  All of us leave. But everywhere and always there is the hum of continuing. Though always incomplete, always there is the sound of love, forever and at the core unfinished. We talk, write, make gestures and marks to slow, to hold back, to share, to join, if only momentarily, the torrent of things lost."

"The solitary body is a figure in a tapestry and cannot be isolated from other figures, landscapes, colors, lines, threads, stories.  And so, when a single figure is removed, is excised, dies, there is unraveling, a feeling at both edge and center that our embodiment is coming apart. The uniqueness of the vanished one is the dark horizon of our fragile and temporary lives." Douglas Penick


“Real maturity in a relationship is letting your partner know when your mind feels heavy/turbulent before your thoughts find a way to make a story that blames your tension on them; naming it allows you to know it is there and your partner to know that is time to support you/hold space.” Yung Pueblo

“Love meets in the middle.” Margaret Gervais 


Insights for May 2020


Pluto and Saturn 2019-2020