Insights for November and December 2020

Greetings embodied ones and happy Fall 2020; the winding down of a year we will never forget. Ihave thought of all of you often and am happy to have worked with many of you this year. It hasbeen a year of challenge, tension, fear, fatigue, and hopefully some growth in different ways for all of us. We are sharing collective stress, angst, and loss, (to name a few) as well as resilience,endurance and hope (I hope.) On top of that we are all experiencing our personal challenges andevolution. It is a lot. It is too much. My hope is for some peace and ease in late December.

ASTROLOGY insights

The astrology is looking better going forward (I have waited a long time to say this!)

Nov. 10 Mercury moved forward and into Scorpio – focused and intense thinking returns!

Nov. 12 Jupiter was conjunct Pluto for the third and last time in Capricorn – yes the virus is peaking again (the peaks have coincided with these alignments.) but should back off later in November.

Nov. 13 Mars direct in Aries (15˚) – and Mars moves slowly in Aries all of November – aggressive actions

Nov. 19 Mercury leaves its shadow (still in Scorpio) and is opposing Uranus – time for brilliance.

Nov. 20 Pluto finishes retrograding and stations direct before starting to move forward again – we will all start to feel some relief and if you have been resilient and enduring it will pay off. If not, you may feel overwhelmed.

Dec. 10 Pluto square Eris – for the last time while Jupiter and Saturn are in Capricorn – supercharged hit.

Dec. 14 solar eclipse

Dec. 18 Saturn moves out of Capricorn (for good!) and into Aquarius – yes!

Dec. 20 Jupiter moves out of Capricorn (for good!) and into Aquarius – yes!

Dec. 21 Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius (this is the day!) This is the end of the line-up of Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn in Capricorn (which has not happened in over 400 years) – all squaring Eris.The most challenging and awakening alignments are finishing up their work. Hopefully, we stayed attuned, awakened, resilient and are ready to move ahead around year end and into 2021.

I am celebrating December 21, with this once in a lifetime Jupiter/Saturn alignment this year (along with Winter Solstice) with a feast, many lights, candles, music, and a lot of peace and quiet reflection. Think about how you might celebrate this new freedom/forward movement.

COMPREHENSIVE ASTROLOGY COURSEStarting February 2021, my Comprehensive Astrology Course for 2021 begins.

This is a course I developed with all original materials and is taught online. The class size is small, and all topics are personalized with your own charts! In this one-year, twelve class Course (1class per month), you will learn each concept in depth.Please contact me for course outline, fees, or questions at

ASTROLOGY FOR TEAMSI launched this new product in October with a corporate leadership team! I would love to do this transformative Workshop for your team or family. Please reach out to me for more information at

ASTROLOGY 101 – is a one-hour online webinar which introduces Planets, Signs, Houses and how to understand a chart. I teach the foundational pieces of Astrology so you can better understand yourself, others, and what is going on in the world. The presentation is free and posted here: The Insight Center – Resources

AWAKENING Insights  “Enlightenment is initially subconscious awakening, which is spontaneously merged with conscious awakening at the moment of breakthrough.” Kazuaki Tanahashi, Tricycle

“When you let go you create emptiness. We aren’t used to emptiness, so we rush to fill the space. What if you let the emptiness be?” Margaret Gervais

“When you see me through your lens you don’t see me. “Margaret Gervais


  • Outgrow who and what is no longer aligned with your life walk and purpose.

  • Speak up and ask for help when you need (or want) it.

  • Forgive yourself when you get it wrong.

  • Love again – even after heartache of heartbreak.

  • Receive support when it is offered.

  • Rest emotionally. You don’t have to heal all at once.

  • Change and evolve even when people around you don’t “get it.:

  • Try something new if old patterns aren’t working or supporting your growth.

  • Protect your energy, time and space. Not everyone deserves access.

  • Start over and begin again. There is a lesson is in every failure and misstep. Alex Elle.

“We don’t need to wait until we are enlightened before we act in the world, and we don’t need to withdraw from the world to become enlightened. Conscious social action can be our own work on ourselves that becomes the vehicle for awakening.” Ram Dass

“Is it speaking to your truth?” Margaret Gervais

“The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.” iChing, hexagram 43.

“A soft, landed approach sounds good.” Margaret Gervais

“You establish the frequency, do the work and then the Universe may join you.“I’m not a fan of ‘Turn it over to the Universe’ without being engaged in your work. If you do your work, you discover your truth, you understand your karma and work to heal - - - and then - - - the Universe may get on board. ✨ Sound reasonable? My meditation teacher ended his meditation instructions with, “Perhaps, after many years of practice, some wisdom may accrue.” Love that.

MEDITATION insights MEDITATION COURSEI am teaching my one-on-one Vipassanā Meditation and Spiritual Practices Course online.  Contact me if you are interested, or read more at 

“What happens when we sit is none of our business. The practice is to accept whatever arises instead of trying to control our experience. What we can control is our wise effort to be present with what is.” Narayan Helen Liebenson, “The Refuge of Sitting”

“It’s the ‘I expect/want things to be normal’ thing that trips people up.” Margaret Gervais

“…individual[s] can be moved to achieve a fundamental paradigm shift in their vision of their lives….to becoming a magnificent awakening being soaring out of an infinite past experience in marvelous evolutionary flight toward an unimaginably beautiful destiny of wisdom, love, and bliss – Buddha hood, or simply the supreme evolutionary glory attainable by any conscious being.” 13 Robert Thurman, Forward to The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment.”, by Tsong-kha-pa, translated by The Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee

“It is in this very vision propounded by Shakyamuni Buddha…that reveals humans to themselves as participant in this magnificent and meaningful evolutionary process.” ibid

“When all is said and done, mindfulness is really about wisdom, about discerning what is really, really, really true from what is mere appearance, or what you’re attached to because you want it to be true.” Jon Kabat-Zinn in conversation with Daniel Goleman and Richard Davidson. Tricycle.

“There is always a message of ‘Yes you can.’ Do you hear it? Do you believe it?” Margaret Gervais

“Meditate longer. It is those longer arduous minutes that build the meditation muscle. “ This came to me in my Nov. 4th, morning meditation, which I thought would be hard. But I have been meditating 42 years and doing vipassanā practice for 30, and the meditation muscle truly builds, and the classic routine of this meditation works. Margaret Gervais

“Meditative awareness, equanimity, and emptiness will show up with a vipassanā meditation practice.” Margaret Gervais

“It is right understanding that is really wisdom.  Thinking about truth is not enough.  We must realize truth ourselves; we must see things as they really are, not just as they appear to be.  Apparent truth is a reality, but one that we must penetrate in order to experience the ultimate reality for ourselves and eliminate suffering.”  Entering the Stream, An Introduction to the Buddha and His Teachings, Compiled and edited by Samuel Bercholz and Sherab Chodzin Kohn, Shambala, Boston, 1993. Pg. 112

HEALING insights

“If you carried energy for people when you were growing up (you probably are an empath), you are probably still doing it.  You can let it go now.”

How to let go: Be brave. Raise your awareness. Learn to say no. Say no. Meditate. Fill your life with what you love. You may feel uncomfortably rude for a while. Stay the course anyway. Their responses are none or your business. Have some healings to help recover from trauma and/or help move things along. Know your astrology and your purpose. Choose that. Do not be a wimp with your karma. Make space. Own the space. Be brave. One step at a time. Choose you. Only you can set yourself free. Margaret Gervais

Embodiment exercise  Breathe deeply throughout. Feel earth energy enter and be in your body.  Bring the energy up from the earth if you need to. Do this until you really feel it. Now feel air energy enter and be in your body. Do it until you feel it. Now feel fire energy enter and be in your body. Do it until you feel it. Now feel water energy enter and be in your body. Do it until you feel it. Earth air fire water in your body to be embodied. Margaret Gervais“Allow your vibrations to recalibrate. “

“Allow your vibrations to recalibrate. “

“Allow your vibrations to recalibrate. “

“If you are at a growth place, have made a progressive change, have moved on, let go, done some healing, you need to allow your vibrations to recalibrate. Lay quietly. Tune into the Universe and your body. Allow them to connect and recalibrate. Open yourself to receive the higher vibrations.” Margaret Gervais

A recorded Grounding Exercise is available at The Insight Center – Resources. Use this exercise as often as needed to help you be grounded during these challenging times.

REIKI l WORKSHOPAll Reiki Workshops will resume when quarantine rules are eased up to allow gatherings without masks and social distancing.

RELATIONSHIP insights “Love is something else entirely; it is caring. It is arguing, but with curiosity – it is giving an inch when the other is certainly wrong – it is teasing, it is empathy, it is respect. It is admiration each morning.” Waylon Lewis.

©Margaret Gervais. All rights reserved. 2020.   


Planetary Energies and Shifts December 2020


Insights for August 2020