Insights for October 2019

Awakening:"It is a most beautiful and difficult thing to be human.""Spiritual practice helps us settle into the utter simplicity of being ourselves." Frank Ostaseski, The Five Initiations, pg. 149.

"You are consciousness incarnated in a human body, but not limited by it.  Consciousness is the clear space of knowing, as vast as the open sky.  Rest in consciousness, in loving awareness.  Let vastness be your home."

"Over a lifetime, you are called upon to play many parts, but you don't have to identify with them."


"Your life is not separate from the earth, the sun, and the stars, but held by and part of all."

"Here is the paradox.  You are one with the mystery of life, and you have your unique incarnation.  You have one foot in the timeless realm and one in individual identify.  Each of these realms offers the possibility of freedom."

"You are not the body that changes form so many times in your lifetime.  Nor are you your thoughts or personality.  You are the vast ocean, the awareness, the One Who Knows." Jack Kornfield, No Time Like the Present.

“It helps to know, to let go.”  Margaret Gervais

"Experiences have to be repeated many times before they are emotionally integrated."

"Speaking and living the Truth allows one to see and experience the Truth with more clarity." Maurice Fernandez, Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness, 2009. Page 397.

"The momentum of the event and the resilient strength or power of adaptation of the individual are dynamically equal." Rudhyar, Dane 1976: An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes. Berkeley: Shambhala, p.3.

"Fear is produced by the memory of defeat - whether this memory is strictly personal in nature, or is based on subconscious memory of previous collective defeats." Rudhyar, Dane 1976: An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes. Berkeley: Shambhala, p.5.

"Are you seeing, sensing, feeling, being, less separate and more oneness?” Margaret Gervais

“When you come to your edge, surrender your angst into a larger reality and trust the unknown...” David Pond, Astrologer

"Being conscious means you really have to feel what you feel, which is frequently very vulnerable and raw." Chodrön, Pema, On Not Loving Heart, Tricycle, Fall 2019, page 28.

“One of the most important things about following the path of intuition and free thinking is it forces you to focus on being true to yourself over being liked by others. Once others can no longer control and manipulate you through fear of loss and abandonment you’re liberated.”

“Sometimes the boundary is simply not giving someone any of your energy.” Maryam Hasnaa

“Notice the evolution of consciousness in yourself. What books are you reading, how do you spend your time, who do you hang out with, how do you treat and respond to others, and are toxic relationships and situations drifting out of your life, versus a few years ago? Notice your willingness to be quiet. You are evolving.” Margaret Gervais

“The inner critic is always loudest right before the breakthrough.” Chani Nicholas

“Understanding reality is a characteristic of wisdom. The latter does not entail mastering masses of information but an understanding of the true nature of things. Out of habit, we perceive the outer world as a collection of distinct, autonomous entities to which we attribute characteristics that we believe belong inherently to them. Our day-to-day experience tells us that things are good or bad, desirable or undesirable. The ‘self’ that perceives them seems to be equally concrete and real. This error, which Buddhism calls ignorance, gives rise to powerful impulses of attraction and aversion that eventually lead to suffering. Fabricated concepts open up a gap between our perception and reality, and create a never-ending conflict with the world. ‟We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us,” wrote Rabindranath Tagore. We take for permanent that which is ephemeral and for happiness that which is but a source of suffering: the desire for wealth, for power, for fame, and for deceptive pleasures.” Matthieu Ricard


I will be teaching the one year Comprehensive Astrology Course in 2020, starting in February. This is a one-year, twelve class Course (I class per month). Please contact me with questions or to request registration materials.


One of the finest results of meditation is the increased gap between stimulus and response. That gap before I react gives me time to notice my habitual patterns and sometimes even decide whether to stay a slave to them or break loose.” Brent Oliver, I take Refuge in the Humor.


I am teaching one-on-one and small group meditation courses. Contact me if you are interested, or read more at


“Here's what I think: The soul is a perspective that pushes us to go deeper and see further and live wilder. It's what drives our imagination to flesh out our raw experience, transforming that chaotic stuff into rich storylines that animate our love of life.With the gently propulsive force of the soul, we probe beyond the surface level of things, working to find the hidden meaning and truer feeling.” Rob Brezsny Astrology Newsletter, July 17, 2019.

“Let the trauma and mistakes of our ancestors move through us.” Julianna McCarthy

“May I feel all I need to feel in order to heal; may I heal all I need to heal in order to feel.” Margurite Rigoglioso.


I want to share that I am teaching a Reiki l Workshop this fall at The Insight Center:

The Workshop is over two days: October 24, 1:00 - 4:00 and October 25, 10:00 - 5:00. The fee for the Workshop is $475.

This is a certified, Usui Reiki l Workshop.  You can read more about this Workshop at or feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.  Also please feel free to share this with others who you feel may be interested.

If you have completed a Reiki l Workshop with me, I would love to have you assist for all or part of the Workshop (you get to hang out and give and receive Reiki). Please let me know if you are interested.


“Grief needs a channel.” Pico Iyer, “Autumn Light” via Tricycle podcast.

Please contact me for Reiki Healing, Intuitive Healing, Meditation Classes and/or Astrology Readings in Portland or via Skype, at see my website at


Pluto and Saturn 2019-2020


Insights for July 2019