This can be such a tough issue. I am saving this one for the co-dependency files: http://tinybuddha.com/…/how-to-help-someone-who-wont-help-…/
"You have to realize that your children are not containers you put things into. They are flowers that are emerging, and if you till the soil and keep it soft and fertilized, it’s amazing what comes up; because inherent in all of us is deep wisdom, which gets lost in the shuffle of socialization.So the question is, are you just an instrument of socialization as a parent, or are you somebody that respects the inner beauty of that person, that lets the child’s intuitive understanding of things lead, rather than leading out of ought or should or must or so on. A person learns a skill much faster when they want to learn a skill than when somebody else wants them to learn a skill. It’s pretty clear. So to that extent, you and your child are collaborative beings..." Ram Dass, Ram Dass, Love Serve Remember
Parenting with Presence. http://newworldlibrary.com/…/tabid/64/SKU/83260/Default.aspx#
Being aware of these five attributes is important for parenting, to help raise emotionally intelligent children! Five attributes of emotional intelligence:
Self awareness
Self regulation
Social Skills. http://www.elephantjournal.com/…/5-attributes-of-emotional…/
(And of course it helps to be an emotionally intelligent person yourself; as children learn by observing their role models.)