
Pluto and Saturn 2019-2020

Pluto/Saturn 2019-2020 Are you feeling tense/nervous/anxious? Are you feeling big shifts, but you don’t understand the shifts? Are you feeling confused and uncertain during these tense and uncertain times? It is a tense time of change. Look at the world, Hong Kong, gun violence, Chili, Haiti, U.K., U.S.A., Syria, climate change, and #metoo are some examples of intense global upheaval and change.

Here it the story from an astrological point of view: The planets Pluto and Saturn are currently very close to each other in the sky (4˚ apart at the end of November, 2019). These two planets create very powerful and difficult changes and they are currently operating together. Read this post and let me know if I can help you understand how this is impacting you.

Pluto is the planet of power, control and transformation, and is currently in the sky in the sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn represents responsibility, ambition, structure and rigidity. While Pluto travels through Capricorn, Pluto is powerful breaking down Capricorn structures and rebuilding them – completely. Pluto power is very strong and works to dig deep, destroy and rebuild – in order for empowerment and transformation to take place.

The Pluto changes are taking place in our own astrology chart, and therefore our lives. Based on where the current Pluto/Capricorn placement is in your chart, you will be experiencing this complete upheaval and restructuring. It is important to not resist these powerful transformations – if you do not work pay attention and work with Pluto, it will find a way to wake you up.

Saturn represents discipline, seriousness, hard work and fear of loss. Saturn in also currently in Capricorn, making us take these issues seriously. Saturn brings rewards for hard work and together with Pluto we must do our inner work to get the rewards. We are being asked to be mature and endure changes that are challenging. Don’t blame others. Pay attention to your goals and do not destroy others. Nobody said it would be easy! Pluto and Saturn are taskmasters. The rewards can be great at this time - don’ t miss this opportunity to grow.

This has been building for the all of 2019, and this building phase is tough – the power of the connection of the two planets is intensifying. It will continue to intensify until January 12, 2020, when Pluto and Saturn will be exactly aligned. After January 12, 2020, Saturn will move ahead of Pluto, but the impact continues – did you do the work or not (it is not over until it is over)? The transformation continues until your work is done. We have to do our work in this area of our life to navigate the transformation well.

And just to expand this intense transformative energy, Jupiter (the planet of expansion energy) joins Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn starting January 2020.  Jupiter will enhance these energies for all of 2020 – and make us do our work - are we learning and growing in order be empowered.

There are two sides of Pluto – power and transformation. In what area of your life will you gain well-earned power will powerfully transform/make and accept big changes?

  1. Look at your chart (natal chart plus transits – on*) to see where these planets in Capricorn land in your own chart. A transit chart shows current planetary placements in green on the outer wheel of the chart. This will show you where this intense transformative change is occurring for you. You want to look at which house (1-12) Pluto and Saturn are in your chart (see below for the definition of the houses.)

  2. If these two planets are on top of any planets in your birth chart, the deep transformative changes will also involve these planets.

  3. If you are age 28-30, or 58-60, you are also experiencing your Saturn return – where Saturn has returned in your chart to where it was when you were born – intensifying all of the deep changes.

Here is the definition of the houses:

HOUSES: Where does the energy manifest?

  1. Myself.

  2. My values, resources, and money.

  3. My mind, thinking and communicating. My siblings. My interaction with everyday people.

  4. My home, mother, family roots. My personal identity and security.

  5. My creativity, love, children, and joy. Also my need to shine.

  6. My work, health, and being of service.

  7. My primary relationship.

  8. Other peoples’ values, their resources and their money. Transformation.

  9. Ideals, higher education, global, communities, and travel.

  10. Career, public persona and being an authority.

  11. Long-term goals and who are my long-term friends.

  12. Spirit. Evolution of consciousness. Mysteries. What is hidden. Letting go.

For example, if Pluto moves through your 4th house you are likely to move, and feel disrupted by moving. I moved from Seattle to Hong Kong to Portland to Singapore to San Francisco and to Portland, with my husband and two children, selling and buying houses, when Pluto went through my 4th house. These were all good moves for us but also involved dramatic changes for my family and me – and it was really challenging at times. But we all learned a lot and grew a lot with these changes.

Tools to help navigate the current changes:

  • Take care of yourself. Good food, enough exercise and rest. Be careful with alcohol or other less healthy substances for coping.

  • If you are a meditator, meditate.

  • Do grounding exercises. Look up Tom Jacobs’s grounding meditation via my website - or contact me for healing sessions.

  • Choose a healthy path for your energy, such as running, riding horses, welding, cooking, painting, baths, massage, breathe, reading, writing, lifting weights, working, walking, hiking, singing, dancing, time with friends and family (if that is a positive experience for you).

  • Pay attention.

  • Read my prior blog posts for insights

  • Read other inspiring books: poetry, history, philosophy, science fiction – whatever interests you

  • I am lighting a lot of candles.

  • Accept change. Accept that areas of your life will be changing. Let it go.

  • Be brave.

  • Be optimistic, encouraged and grateful – for the things that are about to come.

* If you want me to look this up for you, contact me at: I can do a short recorded reading of the Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn placement in your chart for a fee of $50.©Margaret Gervais, The Insight Center 2019. All rights reserved.

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